
New Art

Three new pieces: Safe Sex, Innocence Lost and Wilbur's Shed (inspired by the H.P. Lovecraft story The Dunwich Horror). You can view all three in the Gallery Section.


Philly Zombie Crawl Photos and Merchandise

Pictures from the Philly Zombie Crawl are now up! A special thanks to our official photographer Diable for the fantastically creepy pictures he took of the event. You can find his shots as well as others from our zombie horde in the PHOTOS section of the Philly Zombie Crawl website.

And for those who may have missed out in all the Living Dead mayhem, or were there and want something to remember the event by, visit the Philly Zombie Crawl CafePress Store! Be one of the cool zombies in the graveyard and pick yourself up an official Philly Zombie Crawl T-shirt, hat, button, coffee mug or any of the other ghoulishly kick-ass items!


Wicked Karnival / The Gutter Limits / SpookyART / Parable Visions

A Portrait of Jennie: Wicked Karnival will be publishing the short story A Portrait of Jennie by Graham Masterton, which I did the accompanying illustration for. You can check out the actual piecee to the right of here. The issue will be out later this year.

The Gutter Limits
: I also just finished up the chapbook design for the new horror-comedy anthology The Gutter Limits by Bugger Murphy. You can see that in the Gallery Section. You can order your copy in the Store Section.

SpookyART Charity Project: I will be participating once more in the SpookyART Charity Project. Please look to your right under the heading "Auctions" for more details.

Parable Visions Magazine: I am one of many featured artists in the latest issue of Parable Visions Magazine. You can order your copy in the Store Section.
