
New Website Design: Ric Frane

I just finished the new website for the phenomenal painter Ric Frane, which you can check out at If you're not familiar with Ric's work I encourage you to do so. He's a hell of a talent and his work is more than worth the time to check out. His subject matter covers horror movie classics, Asian martial arts, dark fantasy and pinups. Trust me, he's well worth the time.

I'm pretty damn happy with the way the design came together for this site. I think it reflects Ric and his work nicely. Certainly was fun to put together as much as it was an honor to work with Ric on this project.

So go on and check the site out. Let me know what you all think.


New Art Series / HorrorFind Weekend 7

I decided to try my hand at an actual series of images. The project spawned from a single piece entitled "Plaque", which you can preview to the right, and grew to an additional eight pieces. Since each piece within the series is, and will be, based on the first piece's core structure, the series will be entitled "Plaque".

Art Prints and Fine Art Giclees of the "Plaque" series will debut at the HorrorFind Weekend 7 Art Show, which will be held from Friday March 2nd to Sunday March 4th.
