
Orgy of Souls

I just uploaded the cover design for the upcoming book Orgy of Souls (by Maurice Broaddus and Wrath James White) into the Gallery. The book is available for order at Apex Publishing and is available in hardcover and trade paperback. Only 350 copies of the hardcover will be produced, each signed by the authors and myself as well as numbered 1-350.

Here's a one of the reviews:

"ORGY OF SOULS is a gripping tale of two brothers whose lives have taken radically different paths — but those paths intersect via some surprising twists and turns. With raw prose, vividly drawn characters, and a chilling touch of the occult, Broaddus and White draw you in and belt you right in your emotional gut."

--Stephen Mark Rainey, author of BLUE DEVIL ISLAND and THE LEBO COVEN
