
Ravencon Cancellation

Unfortunately I've had to cancel my appearance at next month's Ravencon. Even though I won't be there I highly suggest that you check it out. It's one of the better SciFi cons on the East Coast in my opinion.


Two New Projects Added To GDDS

I just added two new projects to the site:

The website design for, which was created for the very talented artist Calyn Williams.

The promotional design for 2009 Philly Zombie Crawl, which is organized by the zombielicious

Be sure to check them both out!


New Site Design for Grendel's Den Design Studio

I decided that this site needed a major makeover, so here we go, a nice and new design for Grendel's Den Design Studio. It's more business focused so it will be easier for you to find information on all of the services that are offered. And the overall back-end is more streamlined so things should run faster. Please take a look around and if you happen to find anything wonky please let me know.


Away from Office Today (3/4)

One's chances of being selected for jury duty are vastly higher than winning the lottery. Guess which one I got? I will be serving jury duty for the city of Philadelphia today, Wednesday, March 4th. I will not be available via any means until later tonight. If you need anything you can email me at and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
