
Fangoria Feature

Ben Smith from's blog has a great article on Grendel's Den Design Studio, which you can read here.

I personally wanted to thank Ben for the feature. I greatly appreciate it.


Gary A. Braunbeck Portrait

The author that I was creating a portrait for is one of my all time favorites - Gary A. Braunbeck. The piece is finally completed and you can check it out in the GDDS Gallery.

There's also some new promotional material designs in the GDDS Print Section.


Work In Progress

I rarely show one of my art pieces before they're finished, but I am so damned happy with the progress of this one thus far that I have to show it off. This is an author's portrait, sans author right now since I don't want to let the cat out of the bag as to who it's for. I will give you a hint though - They're an award-winning author. Ha! Like that really narrows it down, right.
