
New Art / Philcon

New Art: There's two new pieces - Pulp and The Pyres of Samhain (pictured to your right). Both are available as 8.5X11 Art Prints for just $10.00 each in the Store Section.

PhilCon: Next weekend you can see my work in the art show at Philcon, one of the premiere conferences of Science Fiction and Fantasy. The art show room will be open Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I will also be sitting in on some panels during the event:

Fri 8:00 PM in Parlor B (1 hour)

To help prepare for the inevitable rising of the living dead,
we'll provide some helpful advice to survive it. Using examples
from books, films, and other sources, we'll tell you when to
aim,and when to run.

Sat 5:00 PM in Logans 1 (1 hour)

Is the computer just a tool? Can digital be combined with
traditional techniques? Does the work look "digital?" Where's the
"original piece?"

Sat 7:00 PM in Salon 9 (1 hour)

What drives artists to create creepy images.


Server work

Yesterday there were some server issues that were being worked on. So if you had sent an email via this site you may want to resend just to be sure I received it.


The Town Drunk / Insidious Reflections

The Town Drunk: The Town Drunk has published the short story Graveyard Shift by Lucy Snyder, which I did the accompanying illustration for.

Insidious Publications
: Insidious Publications will be publishing the novellete The Probelm with Mickey by Tom Moran, which I did the cover design for. You can check it out in the Gallery Section of this site.


Just for Halloween

New Work: I just uploaded a new piece I did just for Halloween - All Hallows Eve. You can check out the piece to the right of here.


More Site Updates

I've made more changes and improvements site wide.

New Contact Page: There's now a Contact page where you will find information and a means to contact me.

Services Page: Services now has a contact form for project and quote inquiries.

Store Page: The Store page now has a full list of available prints as well as a bug fix that remedied the ordering problem.


New Site Design / HorrorFind Weekend

New Design: In honor of the upcoming Halloween season I give you the new Grendel's Den site design!

HorrorFind Weekend: This weekend you can see my work in the first-ever art show at HorrorFind Weekend, one of the largest horror conventions. The art show room will be open Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


Insidious Reflections

The End: Insidious Reflections will be publishing the short story The End by Serenity J. Banks, which I did the accompanying illustration for. You can check out the actual piece to the right of here. The issue will be out later this year.


New Art

New Work: Another new piece. This one is called If Only I Could Cry. You can check out the piece to the right of here.


Apex Digest / New Work

The Tow: Apex Science Fiction and Horror Digest will be publishing the short story The Tow by James Reilly, which I did the accompanying illustration for. The issue will be out later this year.

New Work
: I also just finished up my newest piece which is called Building Eden Upon the Ruins of the Gods.


8.5 x 11 prints now just $10! New Prints Available!

Art Prints are now only $10.00 each... including all of the new prints just added (Trinity, Eating for Two, Wilbur's Shed and more)! Prints measure 8.5 x 11 and are on archival-quality, acid-free paper. Each is limited edition, signed and numbered by myself. Visit the Grendel's Den Store for the full list of available prints and how to purchase yours.


New Work | More Shows | New Product

New work: Trinity.

More Shows: Two more shows have been added to the long list for this year - Halloween Opera (10.07.06) and Barone Studios (opening 10.13.06).

New Products
title or description
All new products are now available at the Grendel's Den CafePress Store, including the spiffy new black t-shirt with the new Grendel's Den logo that you see above. Visit the Grendel's Den CafePress Store for all of the new swag.


New Art

Three new pieces: Safe Sex, Innocence Lost and Wilbur's Shed (inspired by the H.P. Lovecraft story The Dunwich Horror). You can view all three in the Gallery Section.


Philly Zombie Crawl Photos and Merchandise

Pictures from the Philly Zombie Crawl are now up! A special thanks to our official photographer Diable for the fantastically creepy pictures he took of the event. You can find his shots as well as others from our zombie horde in the PHOTOS section of the Philly Zombie Crawl website.

And for those who may have missed out in all the Living Dead mayhem, or were there and want something to remember the event by, visit the Philly Zombie Crawl CafePress Store! Be one of the cool zombies in the graveyard and pick yourself up an official Philly Zombie Crawl T-shirt, hat, button, coffee mug or any of the other ghoulishly kick-ass items!


Wicked Karnival / The Gutter Limits / SpookyART / Parable Visions

A Portrait of Jennie: Wicked Karnival will be publishing the short story A Portrait of Jennie by Graham Masterton, which I did the accompanying illustration for. You can check out the actual piecee to the right of here. The issue will be out later this year.

The Gutter Limits
: I also just finished up the chapbook design for the new horror-comedy anthology The Gutter Limits by Bugger Murphy. You can see that in the Gallery Section. You can order your copy in the Store Section.

SpookyART Charity Project: I will be participating once more in the SpookyART Charity Project. Please look to your right under the heading "Auctions" for more details.

Parable Visions Magazine: I am one of many featured artists in the latest issue of Parable Visions Magazine. You can order your copy in the Store Section.


Philly Zombie Crawl

The Philly Zombie Crawl website, an event in which you dress as a zombie and go pub crawling, is now live. Not only am I the designer and webmaster I'm also an organizer. You can also check out the T-shirt design for the event in the Portfolio Section as well as in the actual Philly Zombie Crawl Store. And while you're at it you can visit the Philly Zombie Crawl MySpace profile, which I also designed.


New Illustration and Logo Design

Faery Cat: Strange Horizons has published the short humor piece Faery Cats: The Cutest Killers by Lucy A. Snyder, which I did the accompanying illustration for. You can check out the actual piece in the Gallery Section.

Legion Films
: I also just finished up the logo design for the new independent film studio Legion Films. You can see that in the Portfolio Section.


New Work

Another new piece- From Beyond which was done as a self-promotional piece.


New Work

Just finished up another piece. Pickman's Model which is inspired by the H.P. Lovecraft story of the same name.

Strange Horizons Readers' Choice Awards 2005

The on-line speculative fiction magazine Strange Horizons is running its annual Readers' Choice Awards for 2005.

Lucy A. Snyder's short story "Your Corporate Network and the Forces of Darkness", which I did the illustrations for, is up for two nominations- Favorite Article and Favorite Illustration.

If you enjoyed the story and the illustrations please take the time to vote for them by visiting their voting page here.

And while you're there check out the other nominees. There's a lot of good material to vote on in general.


CSM / Eating For Two / Philly Zombie Crawl / News Blog

CSM: You can find two of my pieces in the newest issue of Cthulhu Sex Magazine, issue 23, volume II. This is a large issue focusing on the various members of the on-line community, which I am a member of. You can buy your copy at your local Barns and Noble bookstore or order it on-line at Shocklines.

Eating For Two: Just finished a new piece entitled Eating for Two. You can see a larger version by clicking onto the image located under the "NEW WORK" heading to your right.

Philly Zombie Crawl: I just finished up the logo and t-shirt design for the upcoming event Philly Zombie Crawl. You can go to the Portfolio Section to check them out. The website is currently under works.

News Blog: I have also changed the format of how I update this news section by using a blogging client now. It makes things a lot easier for me and hopefully you as well. In the near future it will also provide an RSS Feed. The old news has been republished in the previous post.


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