
CSM / Eating For Two / Philly Zombie Crawl / News Blog

CSM: You can find two of my pieces in the newest issue of Cthulhu Sex Magazine, issue 23, volume II. This is a large issue focusing on the various members of the on-line community, which I am a member of. You can buy your copy at your local Barns and Noble bookstore or order it on-line at Shocklines.

Eating For Two: Just finished a new piece entitled Eating for Two. You can see a larger version by clicking onto the image located under the "NEW WORK" heading to your right.

Philly Zombie Crawl: I just finished up the logo and t-shirt design for the upcoming event Philly Zombie Crawl. You can go to the Portfolio Section to check them out. The website is currently under works.

News Blog: I have also changed the format of how I update this news section by using a blogging client now. It makes things a lot easier for me and hopefully you as well. In the near future it will also provide an RSS Feed. The old news has been republished in the previous post.
