20.6.07 Interview

I've been interviewed by the fine folks at, a horror review and interview blog. You can read it here.


Wizard World Philadelphia

This upcoming Friday, Saturday and Sunday (June 15, 16, 17) I will be participating in the Artists Alley at Wizard World Philadelphia. You’ll find me at table number 1605-A pimping my swag which will include fine art prints, some limited edition GiclĂ©e Prints and copies of the limited edition book "The Problem with Mickey" which I did the cover for. I may also dig up some other swag I’ve worked on if I can find them. So stop on by and pay me a visit.

Also, one of my favorite models will be attending as well – Sally-Rouge. She’ll be lending a hand with the fine folks at the Philcon table. I haven’t officially asked her yet but I’ll see if I can drag her over to my table for a while and maybe have her sign a few prints of "What’s Cook'n", which she modeled for.

You can find information on ticketing, programming and more at the Wizard World Philadelphia web site.

See you there,



Renovations to Grendel’s Den

As many of you can tell by now I’ve overhauled the entire Grendel’s Den web site as well as my LiveJournal and MySpace profiles. I began working on this about five months ago because the overall structure of the old design was no longer a good representation of what I do nowadays.

One of the first things you’ll probably notice is the lengthening of the site name from simply Grendel’s Den to Grendel’s Den Design Studio. There are a lot of reasons for doing this but the biggest is that I am in fact doing far more than Fine Art and illustrations now. I’ve expanded into web design and development, web hosting (you heard right, hosting), print design, media packaging design… you get the idea. Today Grendel’s Den has grown into a full fledged design studio.

For me this is a big step in that I’ve come to the realization that I’ve made it to one of the points I wanted to be in my life- Doing work I love as my own boss. Not to shabby for someone who started this journey only seven some-odd years ago.

So please take a look around the new Grendel’s Den Design Studio and let me know what you think. Visit some of the latest pages like the Web Hosting Services and the Models page, as well as those familiar pages like the Services, Portfolio and Gallery pages.


New Site Design

I'm uploading the new site design for Grendel's Den. So if things are a little wonky just check back in a moment.
