
SalonCon Next Weekend

After much nagging from many of my beloved fans (you know who you are, ya lovable scamps), I made a last ditch effort to get my sorry ass into the vendor's room for next weekend's SalonCon... which panned out. Yes lords and ladies (or in my case hooligans and harlots) Grendel's Den Design Studio will be attending SalonCon, spooking the joint up.

For those of you not in the know, SalonCon is a gathering of folks who do what we oldsters call 'Steampunk'. Lots of you young'ns like to call it 'Neo-Victorian' or yeah, Steampunk. Right. In any case it's a pretty swank affair at a pretty swank price (25 shells if you nab them online by tomorrow, 35 bucks at the door). Check out the website for the shindig's schedule, which include a performance from Abeny Park.

See you there!
